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I’d love to use this newsletter to stay connected with you. I’ll be sharing all the latest happenings at weld like a pro, such as new website features and upcoming events. I’ll also be seeking your input on future content. Your feedback is really important to me as it helps me improve my services consistently.

Even though this content is free, its quality is not compromised. Free content aims to introduce a subject or shed light on an issue. This category allows for a broader spectrum of topics.

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  • Rule Nr.1 – No politics / religion / sex
  • Rule Nr.2 – Be polite – don’t write anything to other members that you wouldn’t want a big guy to say to you in prison. Take a deep breath or count to 10…
weld like a pro - articles
"I am sharing my successes and failures from the last twenty years, which are not typically discussed in a management meeting. These detailed explanations are included in the "let’s go, get me the certificate” course. When a problem occurs, someone has to solve it. It is always more convenient to be the person who can solve the problem rather than the person who caused it."
Tibor Kemeny
Tibor Kemény
weld like a pro